SHOWCASE containing:
vestments XVI-XVII century consisting of copes, dalmatics, stoles, maniples, pouches and chalice covers.
They are made in various fabrics: damask, silk woven with threads of gold, silver and various colours and with embroidery of flowers, and leaves in fantastic, stylized motifs.
Two silver candlesticks - XVIII century
Monstrance in silver - XIX century
Brass bowl - XVI century - Venetian workmanship
candlestick - XVIII century.

Portraits of dignitaries painted by local artists XVII - XVIII century.
Corrado Tartarini - Bishop of Forlì (d. 1602)
The Blessed Buccio Bonoli. Bishop of Città di Castello
The Prelate Ottavio Gasparini. Writer at the time of Pope Clement VI
Filippo Spiridioni Berioli. Named by Pope Pius VI Archbishop of Urbino
Francesco dei Conti Cesareis. Born in Perugia. A Magistrate of the "Sacra Rota" and Archdeacon of Città di Castello.
Giovanni Maria Gabrieli. Cardinal Priest with the title of Santa Pudenziana.

->> Room IX
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